Saturday, November 7, 2015


For a long time God has given us the dream of reaching out to our local community in Carrefour in the form of a Training and Discipleship Center (we desire to use this facility for education such as English classes, literacy classes, nutrition classes, etc as well as outreach such as medical/dental clinics and other community type events). We have always thought it would be nice if this building was located right by our mission base so that those staying with us in the base can be more involved with hosting short seminars or assisting with the teaching we have on our regular schedule. 

As we have prayed about this for the past few tears, God kept giving us direction and always this vision of a location on the mountain.... but that has not happened yet. What HAS happened is that a house across the street is available for rent. We went to look at it yesterday and though it is set up as a house, the community areas are large enough for us to make desks/benches and start holding classes there. There are also three small bedrooms and two baths if needed when hosting groups AND parking for the bus! So, though not on the mountain, it would be a start and a place to begin our own outreach ministry that groups could help with and help us establish. All this right about the same time that we should finally get our legalization completed here in Haiti. This means in the spring we could be ready to start outreach!! How exciting is this possibility??

So..... We are asking you for prayer about this. First, we want God's plan to be clear about this move. We would also need the rental funds of $3500 and extra to set up the building and are praying God will send these (that would be great confirmation). 

Here are some photos of the house.....

Looking down the hallway toward the bathroom - one bedroom on each side to the right and left. 

The big room for classes (the house is being renovated)

Front (reception) area-looking in from outside the house. 

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