Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fruit/Milk Ministry

I know I took a break from the "ministry spotlights" and actually have a piece written highlighting the different ministries we have (through our organization) at Life is Wealth Orphanage, BUT I wanted to take a few minutes to share some photos with all of you.  These photos show how much the children enjoy the deliveries of fresh fruit and milk twice per month.  A woman in Michigan started this blessing a few years ago at Christmas with a delivery of fresh fruit/milk for each child and it has grown (mostly by her spreading the word and soliciting funding from her family/friends) to include delivery twice per month.  Here are some photos from the last delivery just last week.  The children look forward to their special treat.  They chant, jump up and down, and run off to eat their treat wherever they can on the orphanage grounds after receiving it.  THANK YOU for this special ministry to the orphans and for supplying them with good nutrition they would be lacking otherwise.  But, more importantly, with the knowledge that someone cares enough to send them a special treat twice each month.  If YOU would ever like to be part of this distribution or to help by donating a delivery of fresh fruit & milk, let us know.  God bless!

First Redgi buys the mangos from the side of the road.  This helps the local economy and the fruit lady gets SO EXCITED when he comes.  She has gotten to know him and the days he will be there and saves fruit for him.  So, we are helping her family while feeding the children.  Here is one of her assistants helping carry the mangos to the car with Redgi. 

Then, we drive to the depot to buy the milk (canned this month- sometimes powdered).  They too get the business and are excited.  Redgi has their phone number now and calls in the order ahead, swings by and loads it into the Montero.

The children know to line up (smallest to largest) and advance to get their piece of fruit.  The milk will be served with dinner the same day.  

Here are some of the older ones- at the end of the line.  By the time we get to them they are all out of line- haha.

And now..... it's time to EAT!
Some of you may remember Sandrine.  She recently was dropped at the orphanage (Wed, Feb. 4th) and is starting to settle in.  This was the first time she was part of the delivery and she just carried her mango around with the BIGGEST smile- you can see that!  

Lonyse with her mango.  She recently lost her sponsor so is available for sponsorship ($32 per month)

Cathie holding mangos for others (some give their fruit to someone they trust and they eat it later- others "trade" for chores but we ask the nannies to discourage that).  

Sodnise and Marie-France (2) each with a mango.  

Widline with her mango- so cute.  

Berlando LOVES the fruit every time we come.  He asks for it each time I go to the orphanage and you can see he eats EVERY bite!  

Berlando again- eating his mango

Berry off in the distance eating hers.  She is available for sponsorship by the way- hint hint!  ;)  
Let us know if you would like information about our fruit/milk ministry at the orphanage or if you have any other questions about any of our ministries in Haiti.  I will shortly resume the "Ministry Spotlights". is our e-mail address.  Someone will respond to you shortly.  God bless!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Onion

Every trip I make to Haiti is filled with so many emotions.  Yesterday as I was talking to Redgi and James I said I finally understand when people compare an experience or situation to an onion.  That is kind of how I feel my trips to Haiti are.  Each day, each adventure brings a new experience or challenge which is like peeling back the layer of the onion.  BUT, as those of you who have peeled onions know, with the peeling comes tears- sometimes few, sometimes many.  And, just when you have finished with those tears and have begun to peel back the next layer, you find that along with that one comes another wave of the same.

I hope this makes sense, but what I am trying to say is that coming to Haiti does take a physical toll on me, but the emotional and spiritual aspect of the trip is much greater.  My experiences in Haiti are filled with so many highs and lows- ups and downs- exciting moments and frustrations.  The range is vastly different than my experiences in the USA.  Perhaps it is being away from close family/friends and spiritual mentors or perhaps it is just that the battlefield here is vastly different from the one I grew up with and learned to adjust to over the 53 years I have been on this earth.  Perhaps it is a mix of the two.

Don't get me wrong.  I am BLESSED to be here.  I am totally convinced this is exactly where God wants and has me at this time in life.  The incredible joy and peace I have daily when living "my Haitian life" is proof.  The experiences I speak of and the tears I refer to are because I love the people here so much.  God has blessed me with the gift of compassion, but with that comes the ability to understand (to the degree I am able) what they feel and to understand their daily struggles.  On my own I am helpless to change any of the circumstances of those I meet and know in Haiti, but through Christ I am able to come alongside them, encourage them and love them through the daily hurts, frustrations, struggles.  God has used Haiti and the people here to break me many times and to teach me so much about Himself!  For that I will forever be grateful to the people and situations I have come to know/experience in this amazingly beautiful country.

Yesterday was one of those days.  At the orphanage I found out that one of my favorite children has disobeyed the rules and gone out of the orphanage at night to hang with friends- something that is strictly forbidden.  She knew the risks she was taking and now is facing the reality that she will be taken (supposedly on Friday) to Haitian Social Services and will probably be relocated to another orphanage.  This is fair because if one is allowed to not follow rules, then others will do so too and soon there will be no rules.  I know, understand, and support the decision for her to be punished.  I don't know that I agree with the punishment, but it is not my orphanage.  But, praise God I was able to hold her, pray with her and tell her (maybe for the last time) that I love her.  I got to give her Redgi's phone number and tell her that she can call any time and we will do our best to keep in contact with her/support her.  I explained that we all make mistakes, yet God loves us the same and though I am disappointed with her disobedience that I still love her too.  (you get the point- don't need to keep going)

Yet, just about an hour after I was given the news this girl would be leaving, I was blessed that one who had been taken away a few months ago for the same reason came to the orphanage to visit because she knew I would be there yesterday.  She came with her father who she has been reunited with.  She came to tell me she is doing ok, that she is happy now and back with family and that they are searching for her sister who is still in an orphanage somewhere in Haiti (they don't yet know where).  They need assistance to stay together- Dad is living in a tent and she is currently with other family, but it was God's way of showing that I am not the one who is helping these girls... HE IS!  He has His hands on them even if they are out of my sight.

So, my highs were HIGH yesterday and my lows were LOW.  Tears of joy and tears of grief.  My heart swollen with happiness and torn apart from sadness.  I got to say "hello" to someone I love dearly and "goodbye" to another. But, I also got to sit with both and talk/listen to them.  I got to tell both (at different times) of God's love.  And, both know they are loved- by Him and by me.  I am SUCH a blessed woman indeed to live this life and to live out the calling as "missionary".

My challenge to each of you reading:  Find your passion- that gift from God that you have been given.  And USE IT to bless others.  That is why we are given spiritual gifts- to bless others and to strengthen the entire body of Christ.  You each have your own gift to give/use.  I thank Him that I am able to use mine here in Haiti (and at home when there).

Jennifer - she came to visit with her dad yesterday.  Her leg is TOTALLY healed and she looks great.  You can see the happiness in her smile and eyes.  Love this girl!

(and I will not be posting a photo of the one who is mentioned as possibly leaving- still not sure it will happen and also her sponsor has yet to be notified)