Thursday, September 25, 2014

Summer 2015 Schedule Now Available...

Here is the summer schedule for trips- HURRY if you are going to sign up since the list is long with people who have been waiting for the dates to be released.  We also have youth groups who may take an entire week so none are guaranteed until you register and get confirmation from our office.  :)

The price listed includes EVERYTHING once you arrive in Haiti.  You only have to pay for your flight and a $10 fee to enter the country- the rest is taken care of by our staff.  Ministry may include the following:  orphan ministry/outreach, VBS at a local church, street evangelism, sports evangelism, prayer walks, teaching English, etc.... We have plenty of testimonials from others who have come with us to Haiti.  God uses these trips to impact you as well as the Haitians.  Hope to hear from you soon.

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