Monday, September 23, 2013

No Chemo this Week~

Many people have asked for an update on Madame Josee' and her chemotherapy.  Last week (Sept. 16) her bloodwork was not good enough for them to feel comfortable doing the chemo so they instead gave her 12 ensure shakes and sent her home.  She did not get chemo again today but instead was told to come back on Monday, Sept. 30th for her next treatment.  The family wants us to thank those of you who have sent cards to encourage her, notes, and made financial contributions to her medical care and/or to help pay expenses the family has related to her illness. (different food, gas to/from medical appointments, etc...) Right now expenses are running about $50 - $70 per week.  Would YOU like to sponsor a week of care? If so, let us know or just send in your donation to Hearts United with Haiti, PO Box 55, Morgantown, PA 19543 or donate online (from our website ) and mark it for "Madame Josee'.

Here's a photo of Madame Josee' (no hair left but just as beautiful)  She is showing her right collar bone area- no more lumps showing!  
We are excited to report that she no longer can feel the lumps in her armpits or along her collar bone on the right side (the left breast is the one with cancer), and the swelling in her breast is reduced.  Her pain is much less and her spirits remain great.  She reports that she can feel the prayers of everyone and is so grateful to have people all over who love her and her family so much!  

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