I (crystal) did not read this blog... it was sent to me by e-mail by Kim Harrell who was a participant on our trip 7/16 to 7/23/2011. I usually ask participants to "blog" about their trip DURING the trip, but Kim asked if she could have some time to reflect and then post later (plus if you read my earlier blog entries you know she was very sick when she left Haiti so she was not up to writing a blog earlier).... so.. here are her "reflections" from the trip... I pray you are blessed (and I am as well- when I push "post" and then read them).... It's been a GREAT summer! - Crystal :)
"I would say that our week was a success. It was tough at times, but in the end it was worth it. I learned a lot about myself and about life in general. The Haitians will always amaze me. I wil never look at water the same. Seeing how they live compared to me just blows me away. Being 16 and being able to experience this was amazing. God really worked through our team. I couldn't of asked for a better team. I love you guys and I will return!" Zoe
"This was my 2nd trip to Haiti. My first trip was in May, and before I even left the country I knew I wanted to go back. I was blessed to know Crystal and decided to make this trip.
I didn't write much from Haiti b/c it takes me time to process my thoughts and reflect on all that we saw and did. I took my 16 year old son and a 16 year old family friend on this trip with me, and I am so glad that we shared this experience!
My husband and I lead and facilitate short term mission teams all over the world-it's our goal to come alongside pastors and missionaries and help them accomplish their vision. Secondly, we want the participates to take what they learn on the "field" back to their realm.
I saw firsthand the work and vision of Hearts United With Haiti, Pastor Duval, and Crystal last week. I saw the passion Pastor Duval has for his people! Crystal has a passion and love for the people of Haiti as well-a passion that is contagious!
Sunday we had the opportunity to go to church. If you have never been to a Haitian church-it would do everyone good! Every church in America could learn something. I couldn't understand a word that was being said or sang, but the Holy Spirit was there! Unlike the churches here in America that are "schedule" driven-getting from Point A to Point B-or "program" driven-what program do we need to provide-this service was led by the Holy Spirit! It was truly an amazing experience. A highlight of my trip-we serve a God of ALL people and ALL nations!
Monday we were able to lead VBS at a local church-our focus for the week was the Wordless Book. It took a few times for them to grasp what the colors mean-but by the end they could explain what the colors meant. We also gave out 72 dresses that my friend, Lisa Ward from Dress a Girl Around the World had sent with me. I explained just as the dress covered their physical body-Jesus' blood had covered their sin! I was so excited to see Alexis step up and lead the prayer walk that day. She set such a great example for Zoe and Landon!
Tuesday we left for Chaveneau. We were having car problems and we couldn't carry all our supplies and the team in the truck, so we had to rent a van (which was an extra expense for the ministry). I had watched the video and seen pictures, but still was "shocked" upon arriving there.
But, i will say it was so peaceful-untouched by materialism and worldly things. The kids yearned, not for material things, but for your attention! There are many needs in Chaveneau. Crystal, Pastor Duval, and HUWH know and see these needs. But they need your help to make it happen! Children are hungry, they are hungry for physical food and spiritual food. They are hungry to learn-as is evidenced by the eagerness of the adults in the English class. There are construction needs-in order for groups to go & help-facilities need to be "updated." But, there needs to be a balance, as Crystal says-this area is still "virgin"-we don't want to Americanize them. As much as we Americans may think, we do not have the monopoly on "church."
My time in Chaveneau was dampened by the fact that I started feeling bad on Wednesday. We pushed through, even though Zoe wasn't feeling well either. On the first day of VBS we had over 100! They listened so intently as I told the Bible story. The 2nd day we had about as many! Once again-they listened. We gave out 100 dresses in Chaveneau to little girls in the community.
We ended up leaving a day earlier then we had planned. This wasn't our,plan, but it was God's plan. We finished the week in Carrefour doing prayer walks and handing out more dresses. i was amazed that with all the prayer walks, when we asked the people if we could pray with them it was a resounding "yes!" Then to my surprise, when we asked what their prayer requests it was the same over and over again "for my spiritual walk, for healing, for my family." It was never for material things.
I am glad that we came back when we did, as I got worse throughout the week. By the time I got back to NC I ended up in the hospital with dehydration and a nasty intestinal virus. I just started feeling better this weekend!
I have been on many mission trips over the past 12 years, and have lived in Mexico for 4 of those years, and I must say that this was the most challening trip I have ever done. I was stretched physically and spiritually. This, however, was a good thing. I was taken out of my comfort zone-which is good b/c we all need to see how much we have to be thankful for.
As a missionary, I know it is hard sometimes to ask for help or present needs. A lot of times it takes seeing these needs firsthand to realize how much they are needed. I will say from seeing the ministry of HUWH last week that there are several needs. First, they need a reliable means of transportation. It shouldn't be a daily concern of how you are going to get to a place to minister! We had supplies and desire to minister in Chaveneau, but it almost didn't happen b/c of lack of transportation. I have someone that is donating a short bus to HUWH-they need the money to get it from the states to Haiti. Secondly, they need people to go and help! If you have never been on a mission trip-this would be a great trip for you! Lastly, if you can't go they need your financial support.
Even through all the sickness and challenges, I will return to Haiti. Next time I will go back with my whole family!" Kimberly Harrell-URMissions, Inc.
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