Sorry I have not been keeping up with the blog. I have been SUPER busy traveling around and speaking with groups either planning to come to Haiti or those who support our ministry/are considering doing so. I just returned from a 5 day, 1826 mile trip to Pittsburgh, Michigan and Ohio where I was blessed to reunite with some wonderful people who have been to Haiti and meet many new people. God is simply amazing and though I spent over 27 hours driving between locations (and more "around town" in both states) I thoroughly enjoyed the time in the car listening to worship CD's or praying as I went. I barely used my laptop for a few reasons (the keyboard is now missing two keys, internet wasn't always secure and the laptop is just getting so old/slow after two years and 14 trips to Haiti- not bad for a used one given to me in spring 2011 but the dust and transportation takes a toll) so I really had time to just "unplug" a bit and seek God.
Also, when meeting with people they are bound to ask questions about the ministry, our focus, our direction, etc... and God often really uses those questions to challenge me long after they are asked. I spent a lot of time asking Him to show His answers to them- HIS direction, HIS focus and HIS plans for future ministry. I am excited as we approach another year doing His work in Haiti- about some of the things/visions He has shown me and continues to do so.
In just two days Ron and I will leave for a trip to North Carolina and will be gone for another five days. Then I will be home in Pennsylvania for five days before I leave for Miami and then Haiti for almost two weeks. I won't return to the states until just before Thanksgiving and will stay until just before Christmas.
For now, I ask that you please continue to pray for all of us- myself, my wonderful husband Ron and our daughters/their families, our Haitian missionaries- Redgi and James, our ministry partners- Pastor Yves/Pastor Robby/Dr. Carl/Madame Esther/Madame Josee & family/Rony/etc...., and whatever else God puts on your heart. Thank you for your support of the ministry. I will leave you with a FEW of the photos I took these past few days on the road...
The beach on Lake Michigan- too bad it wasn't warmer (but then there would have been crowds....) |
Another shot of the beach- I had some good "quiet time" here |
The church that hosted me in Michigan- what a GREAT group of people! |
One of the sea gulls by the beach. |
The lighthouse in Ludington. Simply beautiful |
Can you tell I loved sitting by the beach? |
A different shot of the lighthouse- I didn't dare walk out to it. The waves were fierce as was the wind. |
SOME of my friends in Ludington who have been to Haiti with us! |
Pittsburgh (Steeler's stadium) from the restaurant where I went with friends. (this is the group that put the water system in Chaveneau- wonderful people. I will see them again soon in Haiti when they come to install 2 systems) |
Another view of the city of Pittsburgh. Just beautiful! (I wish now I had taken a night photo with all the lights) |
My room in Michigan. It was sooooo nice (as were my hosts- Bill & Judy). If you are ever in Ludington, MI look up Abbey Lynn Inn- they will treat you well! |
The leaves were simply beautiful. This is a state park in Michigan where I took a hike. |
Stayed 2 nights in this Super 8 Motel in Wooster, Ohio because I had a meeting at Malone College and also hoping to see a group that has been to Haiti. Unfortunately only one person was able to make it, but our time together was AWESOME! (I needed a day to sleep and relax too so I explored the town of Wooster which was pretty and historic) |
Historic area of Wooster. These statues were in front of a huge old building. |
This was the top of the building above. I took a ton of photos walking around town. |
Malone College in Canton, OH. This is where most of the nursing classes are held. I loved taking a tour and hearing about their nursing program/meeting staff. I have had some GREAT Malone students come to Haiti! :) |
God bless- He has SURE blessed me by letting me be part of His work in Haiti!