Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fall 2016 Ministry Needs (SCHOOL)

Once again I find myself falling behind with the blog.  It is easy to stay up to date when groups are around, but, frankly, when they leave I rarely get out my computer and I HATE typing long messages/blogs on my phone.  So.... the result?  It doesn't get done until I am stateside again.  Well, I got "home" to Pennsylvania early Sunday morning and am taking this week to catch up on paperwork, e-mails, phone calls, etc...

Some of you have contacted us asking about our current ministry needs.  They change regularly but right now there are a few that come to mind as a little more pressing than others.  Here are some highlights but remember that one of the best ways to give is to our "greatest needs" fund which we then use for needs as they arise.  Our administrative costs for the ministry are extremely low given that we are all volunteers and that I have good friends who donate all my flights to/from Haiti.  Therefore, when you donate to the "greatest needs" account a large percentage goes directly to our projects and ministry IN HAITI. This way we have a little more freedom when God directs us to a certain need as we minister.

So... what are the current needs?  Well, school is about to begin.  We have about 2/3 of the orphans sponsored at Life is Wealth Orphanage but we would LOVE to be able to offer each child a backpack, uniform, books, shoes, etc...   Last year we provided all children with backpacks (sponsored or not) and it cost about $450 US to do so.  We also were able to give a uniform to most of the children.  This cost us about $500 US more (on top of what the sponsors pay for their children).  It is hard for the ones not sponsored when school begins. They do not receive items from our organization.  They cry and/or are jealous and they can not help the fact that they do not have a sponsor to help with their expenses.  So, it would be nice to be able to get them needed items as well.  We have also been asked to help this year with shoes and books for those not sponsored as well.  We told the orphanage directors that we can not do so currently, but that we would put the need out on social media and ask YOU if this is a way you would like to help out.

Also school is about to begin in Bas-Citronniers!  They have a budget to work with during the school year for teachers/staff and food to give the children a hot meal daily.  They work hard to make sure they maintain that budget, BUT.... they need to do some things to get ready for this school year since they are adding a new classroom (5th grade) and 25 new students.  They are in need of 5 desks ($100 each) a fence around the school yard ($165 US), and they need to paint & fix a few spots where the roof is leaking again ($450 US).  We also had someone come out to give us a quote to install solar power so they can hook the water pump up to it.  They use water for the kitchen and bathrooms and currently pump water to a holding tank using a generator which uses gas. This is not sustainable but a solar power system for operating the pump would be.  Stay tuned for info. about this one!

Mirebalais girls:  There are two who need tuition paid this year for regular school ($100 each) and two would would like to take classes at the professional school ($100 each).  We would love to offer this, but it is not in our budget right now.  

Finally, along the same lines is the fact that we are planning to start our first English class on September 20th at the Training & Discipleship Center.  YAY!  We are so excited that this is finally coming together.  We interviewed and hired an experienced English teacher over the summer and are currently enrolling students in the program.  We will be using "English in Action" as our curriculum.  But, we still need student desks (they should cost about $100 US each to build) and we need to supplement the salary of the teacher since we are not charging the community much to attend the classes.  We are anticipating about $150 per month for his salary (3 months needed).  We also need to make copies for handouts, pay for gas for the generator when we do not have power, and pay someone to clean the building on a regular basis.  All these might not seem exciting, but they are needs for the English classes to take place in a professional manner.  So, any donation right now toward the Center would be used for these things.

Do any of these ideas resonate with you?  Is God calling you to fill one (or more) of these needs?  You can do so yourself.  You can collect among your Bible Study group.  You can mention the needs to your friends (ie:  share on social media).  You can commit to praying for the needs and/or the ministry in general.  We are praying and trusting that God will fill all the above needs through people like YOU- those who believe in this ministry and trust that we will use your funds wisely.  We guarantee that we will!  And, don't forget that your donations are tax-deductible as well.

Visit our website to donate (there is a page there) at  or e-mail us if you would like to talk directly --  You can also call the office and/or cell phone 610-286-0612 or 484-332-5021.
     ** We also have larger financial needs and other things that are not mentioned here.  These are the most time-sensitive right now with school starting SOON in Haiti so we are praying that all are filled by September 15 (my birthday!).  Thanks in advance for your prayers and support regarding these current ministry needs. We are so blessed by each one of you who joins us in His work in Haiti. Blessings-  Crystal

Saturday, August 6, 2016

A New Normal...

For over four years things in leadership here in Haiti have pretty much remained the same. We have our core group of Haitian nationals who run the ministry full time. I come and go as does my husband- pouring into them when in country so they can be more effective when we are not in Haiti. 

We have formed a really close team and God has built up our relationships together as well as the relationships with our ministry partners and support staff (translators, cooks, etc). We truly embrace and appreciate the family God has created among us all. We consider ourselves blessed and realize more and more the uniqueness of those relationships here in this country where true relationships/friendships are often difficult to find and maintain. 

But, our God is a God who loves to stretch us!! Soooo as we become comfortable in our present situations He often beckons us to step out. Leave the familiar. Enter into that place we call "unknown", "scary", "intimidating". Trust that He is there to guide and direct us even if we can not always see Him right away. Trust that He is not only walking with us on this new path, but that HE laid it out and created it long before we ever knew it was being built. 

This week as I spent some alone time with God and explored new parts of Haiti as I love to do on my respites before returning to the USA, He gave me such a beautiful vision. As we drove along crazy dirt/dusty roads through mountain passes (sometimes only one vehicle could pass through and we were not even sure it could) I thought, "OK God, I know people pass this way every day so there is no need to fear."  But sometimes it was a bit scary. I admit I wondered what I had gotten myself into on this adventure. 

And then.... seemingly out of nowhere, we rounded a bend in the road and it was magnificent. PAVED road! Smooth and clean! Unknown to me, someone had been working on that part of the road- preparing it for the future when it all connects together to form one nice, paved road all the way across the mountains linking this part of Southern Haiti with the more populated section we had just left. For miles we enjoyed the nicer road. 

Then, guess what? It changed again and went back to dirt and dust and holes and rocks. Once again at times we needed four wheel drive and slowed to a crawl. Once again we inched along the edge of cliffs and prayed we wouldn't meet another car coming toward us. (at least I did- Redgi loved the challenge but that is for another blog: How what I see as a challenge/scary someone else sees as exciting while what I see as calm/comfortable is boring to them. Haha)

Anyway..... All this was used by God to comfort me. He was showing that this road is like our lives. Sometimes smooth and easy- sometimes rough and unknown. BUT He is there. He is working ahead of us, preparing the way. Would He want it all perfect and smooth? I am not sure because when in that place we forget quickly to rely on Him and to trust in our own strength. 

Haiti has done much over the past six years to teach and grow me. This past few months (and the next few to come) are just a part of that road. We will be restructuring some of our staffing and ministry. It is scary and I want to hang on tight to what has become comfortable/familiar. It has been rough on me. I have had to pray a lot, seek a lot of advice/council from others I trust that God has it under control but, frankly, I just want to stay on that smooth road and not continue onward. But, if I do, I know we will miss so much more that He has to teach and show us. 

So I trust. Smoother times are coming. But, I pray rough ones will too. Though I don't always like them at the time, they are needed and they are part of this process we call growth. 

(by the way.... here are some photos of what was waiting at the end of that road. A beautiful little town, some great missionaries we got to meet/fellowship with, and MUCH time with the One orchestrating all we do. I am so glad we continued forward- just as I will be later with this time in our growth as an organization.  Blessings and prayers for direction for us all. Thanks-)